Resistência e Reversibilidade em Straub-Huillet




Resistance, Event, Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub


This article unfolds the relationship between acts of resistance and temporal reversibility in the cinema of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub. The problem of resistance is presented as inseparable from that of time, if each state of things – against which the characters in this cinema struggle – reenact an unreflective exercise of habit and law. The text is composed of three moments: initially, it considers procedures for a reversible coalescence between perception and memory, or between the Earth and thought, with the passage from a visible plane to a legible plane, crafted to produce an eye capable of unearthing events; then, it highlights sound strategies of disidentification and musical accentuation that emphasize the impropriety of the voice and a communication that is no longer interactive, nor reflective; finally, it is suggested that analytical models are inept to face the task of translating what Jacques Rancière called “post-Brechtian” cinema. More than denouncing the internal limits of dialectics, this cinema will be rich in bodily attitudes and lapidary landscapes that demand a work of reading, of guessing, of exploring time as a memory that is no longer psychological or personal, but of the world.


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Author Biography

Demétrio Rocha Pereira, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

PhD graduate from the Graduate Program in Communication and Information at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Substitute professor in the Higher Education Programs in Multimedia Production Technology and Bilingual Pedagogy, as well as in the Technical Programs in Visual Communication and Translation and Interpretation of Libras/Portuguese at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC-Palhoça), Brazil.


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