Hybrid variations on a documentary theme


  • Robert Stam NYU




Although often assumed to be polar opposites, documentary and fiction are in fact theoretically and practically intermeshed, just as history and fiction, also conventually seen as opposites, are symbiotically connected. Historian Hayden White argued in Metahistory that the myth/history distinction was arbitrary and of recent invention. In words that apply to film as well as to writing, White pointed out that it matters little whether the world that is conveyed to the reader/spectator is conceived to be real or imagined; the manner of making discursive sense of it through tropes and emplotment is identical (WHITE, 1973). In this article, we will examine the ways that the hybridization of documentary and fiction has been mobilized as a radical aesthetic resource.


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Author Biography

Robert Stam, NYU

É professor transdisciplinar da Universidade de Nova York. Autor de diversos livros sobre cinema e literatura, cinema e estudos culturais, incluindo Brazilian cinema, Reflexivity in film and literature, Subversive pleasure, Tropical multiculturalism, Film theory: an introduction, Literature through film e François Truffaut and friends. Formado pela Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley, também frequentou a Universidade de Paris III. Lecionou na Tunísia, na França e no Brasil (USP, UFF, UFMG)




