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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Rebeca – Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual is a biannual publication, which accepts submissions in a continuous flow of original and unpublished contributions published in sections dedicated to articles, reviews, interviews, translations and creative works related to cinema and audiovisual.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The journal accepts submissions in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French.
  • Free Thematic Sections and Dossier: oriented to the publication of articles produced by doctors and doctoral students. Masters, masters, graduates and undergraduates can submit articles co-authored with doctors.

  • The texts of contributions must be standardized according to the submission template for each section of the journal, and authors must ensure that the submitted file does not contain any form of author identification, ensuring double-blind review of the manuscript.
  • The cover sheet template, containing biographical information about the authors, should be attached to the section of the file with the text that will be submitted for double-blind review.
  • Authors and co-authors of articles accepted or published by Rebeca must wait for a one-year interval before submitting a new publication to the journal.
  • The files for text submissions must be in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format with a maximum size limit of 2MB. Images should be formatted in JPG with a resolution of 150 DPI and made available as supplementary documents for the submission, even if embedded in the text.
  • The Rebeca journal uses the Similarity Check system for content similarity detection. Authors must inform the editors about the publication of the initial versions of their articles in conference proceedings, considering that unpublished articles submitted to the journal must exhibit a minimum of 30% changes compared to the versions available in the proceedings.
  • If a preliminary version of the article has been published in conference proceedings, this information must be included in the electronic submission form as an 'editor's note.' Additionally, the title of the text published in the proceedings should be modified in its version submitted to Rebeca.

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for Authors

Free Themes Section

Open section for articles that cover various theoretical and methodological approaches in the field of cinema and audiovisual.

Contributions should range from 5,000 to 9,000 words, including abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, footnotes, and references. Abstracts should be between 180 and 250 words, with 4 keywords for each language.

Dossier Section

This is a special section presenting articles with predetermined themes in each new edition. The selection of Dossier Section articles is carried out by guest editors under the coordination of the Rebeca editorial committee, focusing on themes and approaches relevant to the field of cinema and audiovisual.

Contributions should be between 5,000 and 9,000 words, including abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, footnotes, and references. Abstracts should be between 180 and 250 words, with 4 keywords for each language.

Reviews, Critiques, and Translations Section

A section open to reviews of books relevant to the field of cinema and audiovisual, film critiques, and translations of articles pertaining to the scope of the journal and unpublished in the Portuguese language. The texts can be commissioned by the editors to promote dialogue with the thematic articles of the Dossier Section.

Reviews should be a minimum of 2,000 and a maximum of 2,500 words, including abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, footnotes, and references. Abstracts should be between 180 and 250 words, with 4 keywords for each language.

Translations should follow the same formatting parameters as articles published in the Free Themes and Dossier Sections. When submitting a translation, attach the following supplementary documents: 1) original text in the foreign language, indicating the journal or book where it was previously published; 2) a statement from the copyright holder of the original text to REBECA, granting non-onerous publication of the translated text.

Interviews Section

Space for interviews with authors, researchers, filmmakers, photographers, editors, screenwriters, producers, and artists active in cinema and audiovisual.

Interviews should be between 2,000 and 9,000 words, including abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, footnotes, and references. Abstracts should be between 180 and 250 words, with 4 keywords for each language.

Out of Frame Section

This section accepts proposals for contributions in various formats: texts, photographs, drawings, cartoons, and visual works of various kinds - as long as they have dimensions and technical characteristics compatible with the possibilities of the journal. Texts should have different characteristics from those accepted in other sections of REBECA and can have a free genre: essay, chronicle, poetry, letter, etc.

Text Formatting Standards

The text editor file submitted for evaluation in Rebeca must be saved in .doc or .docx standards, must not have author identification, and should follow the journal's formatting instructions. A second file, different from the one containing the manuscript to be evaluated, should be attached during submission with the authors' biographical information. Submissions that do not comply with the journal's standards will be returned to the authors for adjustments before the evaluation phase.

Title and Subtitle: English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Maximum 120 characters. Arial 12 font, bold, aligned to the right of the page.

Abstract: English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Minimum 180 and maximum 250 words. In the case of articles, the abstract should specify the following aspects: general theme and research problem; objectives and/or hypotheses; methodology used, highlighting the object of study; main results and conclusions. The abstract in each language should be accompanied by 4 keywords. Arial 8 font, justified.

Subsection Titles: Without numbering and the first line indent, Arial 9.5, bold, 1.5 spacing. Single space should be used between subsection titles and the body of the text.

Body of Text: 1.5 line indent for the first line of the paragraph, justified alignment, 1.5 line spacing, and Arial 9.5 font. Paragraph spacing should be equal to line spacing. For foreign words, neologisms, and titles of works, use italics. Do not use underline or bold to emphasize words in the body of the text.

Footnotes: No first-line indent for the paragraph, Arial 8.0 font, justified alignment, single line spacing. Do not use endnotes.


For quotes up to three lines, highlight with "quotation marks" within the paragraph in the text. Use 'apostrophes' only for quotes within a quote. Quotes with more than four lines should be indented from the text in a separate paragraph with a 4.0 margin and Arial 9.5 font.

Direct quotes must be accompanied by a reference, as per examples: (AUTHOR, year, p.), Author's name (year, p.). Indirect quotes should be adapted to the standard Author's name (year) or (AUTHOR, year). When citing a film or other audiovisual work, the appropriate format will be (Title of the film, year). In the case of analyses of excerpts from films or other audiovisual works, indicate the time of the fragment, following examples (between 09min50s and 10min30s) or (between 1h50min and 1h52min).

Images, Tables, and Graphs:

Images (figures, tables, and graphs) should have numbering and captions, be separated from the body of the text (two spaces above and below), and be centered on the page. Use Arial 8.0 font with single spacing for textual information, indicating the origin of the research material as a caption below the image. In addition to including images in the body of the text to be evaluated, send separate files, identified by numbering and captions, with a resolution of 300 dpi, as supplementary material in the submission process.

References: References should be written in alphabetical order, justified alignment, Arial 9.5 font, single line spacing, with one space between each reference.

Examples of references: Book

LAST NAME, First name of the author. Title in italics: subtitle (if any). Edition. City of publication: publisher, year.

LAST NAME, First name of author 1; LAST NAME, First name of author 2; LAST NAME, First name of author 3. Title in italics: subtitle (if any). Edition. City of publication: publisher, year.

Book with more than four authors LAST NAME, First name of author 1; et al. Title in italics: subtitle (if any). Edition. City of publication: publisher, year.

Book chapter LAST NAME, First name of the chapter author. Title of the chapter. In: LAST NAME, First name of the organizer or editor of the book (org.) or (ed.). Title of the book: subtitle (if any). Edition. City of publication: publisher, date. v. (volume) p. (initial page - final page).

Journal article

LAST NAME, First name of the Author. Article title: subtitle (if any). Journal title: subtitle (if any), city of publication (if any), v. (volume), n. (number), p. (initial page - final page), month and year. Available at: < >. Accessed on:

Proceedings of congresses and other academic events LAST NAME, First name of the work author. Title of the work: subtitle (if any). In: Event title, number, year, venue. Publication title. City of publication: publisher, date, p. (initial page - final page of the work). Available at: < >. Accessed on:


TITLE OF THE WORK. Direction: Production: City (if any): Production company, year. Specification of the support in physical units (if any), (duration in min.), sound. (sound or silent), color or B&W. Digital or film gauge in mm.

Document exclusively accessible electronically

LAST NAME, First name of the author. Document title. Version or edition (if any). City of publication, date, description of the electronic medium.

Social Media

LAST NAME, First name. Tweet text. City (if any), day, month, year. Twitter: @username. Available at: < >. Accessed on: access date.

LAST NAME, First name (username). Post text. City (if any), day, month, year. Facebook: Facebook user. Available at: < >. Accessed on: access date.

LAST NAME, First name (username). Post text. City (if any), day, month, year. Instagram: @user. Available at: < > Accessed on: access date.

Supplementary document: In the exclusive supplementary document for authors' biographical information, include an introduction text for each author with information in the following order: Highest postgraduate degree; Name of the postgraduate program and the university where the highest degree was obtained; when applicable, department and/or postgraduate program in which the author works and at which university; city; country; email; link to the Orcid ID.

Completion of the Electronic Submission Form

In the initial submission stage, before sending the manuscript and other attachments, all the information below must be filled out through the electronic form provided by the Rebeca system.

Article data: in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Title and subtitle: up to 120 characters. Abstract: a minimum of 180 and a maximum of 250 words. Specify the following aspects: general theme and research problem; objectives and/or hypotheses; methodology used, highlighting the object of study; main results and conclusions. Keywords: 4 for each language. Biography of authors and co-authors: up to 250 characters with information in the requested order and with all information spelled out: Highest postgraduate degree; Name of the postgraduate program and the university where the highest degree was obtained; when applicable, the department and/or postgraduate program in which the author works and at which university; city; country; email; link to the Orcid ID. In the final submission stage, if applicable, include the following information in the "Notes to Editors" field:

Outcome of the research project: dissertation or thesis, indicating the title of the research. Funding sources: scholarships, grants, etc. Ethical considerations: indicate if it was evaluated and approved by an ethics committee, providing the process number. Declaration of conflict of interest: specify if the research involves sponsorship from public or private institutions, etc. Previous presentation: presentation of part of the article at events, lectures, etc. Provide the event name, year, and city. Acknowledgments/additional contributions: at the authors' discretion.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.