A sick body-film

Formal subversion and the power of life in What now? Remind Me





Filmic pathologies, Crip Studies, Somateca, Decolonization in Cinema


In this article we analyze which aesthetic-formal operations that the feature film “E agora? Lembra-me” (Joaquim Pinto, 2013) tries to subvert the colonial-pathological character of this filmic body that the director himself calls a “notebook from a year of clinical trials”. Our reflection deepens the study of sick narratives as a power to visualize diverse bodies in a formal and thematic sense, thus expanding illness as a naturocultural experience and an instrument for formal subversion. This perspective is based on a theoretical and methodological approach that we have called film pathologies and on Filmmaker Theory (respecting the autobiographical character of the film). We use the philosophical-political basis of crip studies to propose another type of archiving, the anti-colonial somateca, where the power of life is manifested.


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Author Biographies

Lucas Camargo de Barros, University of Lisbon

Doctor in Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship from the University of Coimbra. Researcher at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Fabián Cevallos Vivar, University of Lisbon

PhD in Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship from the University of Coimbra. Researcher at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.


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