Fruit of paradise

The sensorial and the profane of Věra Chytilová




Cinema, Avant-garde, Sensorial, Czechoslovakia


Fruit of paradise (1970) is the third feature film by Věra Chytilová and her last film made in the context of the Czech and Slovak New Wave Cinema and the Prague Spring. Imbued with avant-garde aesthetic references and attuned to the changes that occurred in the country during the recordings, the authors integrate the occupation of the Warsaw Pact troops in the country to the original themes of the script, about betrayal and search for truth. The filmic world of Chytilová, Jaroslav Kučera (cinematographer of the film) and Ester Krumbachová (co-writer, costume designer and production designer) is built through optical, sound and assembly distortions, which stress the relations of bodies in space. The present analysis seeks to investigate the ways in which these formal experimentations of camera, montage, dramaturgy, acting and costume create unstable symbols in a discourse more sensorial than narrative, which potentiates debates on theories of cinema through the senses, such as of Laura Marks (2000), who thinks of cinema as skin, and Giuliana Bruno (2002; 2014) who thinks of images as surfaces. This tension of tactile effects brings a narrative of the forms; the colors, the oscillations of action, the spaces, the soundtrack. Their images and sounds also require curiosity from the spectators to sensorially surrender to them – a quality inherent in cinema, accentuated by the experimentations of Chytilová, Krumbachová and Kučera.


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Author Biographies

Luiza Wollinger Delfino, University of São Paulo

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Audiovisual Media and Practices at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.

Esther Império Hamburger, University of São Paulo

Professor in the Graduate Program in Audiovisual Media and Practices at the University of São Paulo (USP). PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago, Illinois, United States. Research Productivity Fellow of CNPq - Level 1D, Brazil.


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ANDORINHAS por um fio (Skřivánci na niti). Direção: Jiří Menzel. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1970/1990. 94 min., sonoro, colorido.

AS DUAS faces da felicidade (Le bonheur). Direção: Agnès Varda. França: Ciné Tamaris, 1965. 80 min., sonoro, colorido.

AS PEQUENAS margaridas (Sedmikrásky). Direção: Věra Chytilová. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1966. 75 min., sonoro, preto e branco.

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CELEBRAÇÃO fúnebre (Smuteční slavnost). Direção: Zdenek Sirový. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1970/1990. 70 min., sonoro, preto e branco.

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O SÉTIMO dia, a oitava noite (Den sedmý, osmá noc). Direção: Evald Schorm. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1970/1990. 103 min., sonoro, preto e branco.

DOMINGO desperdiçado (Zabitá neděle). Direção: Drahomíra Vinahová. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1969, 1990. 78 min., sonoro, colorido.

ESOPO (Ezop). Direção: Rangel Vulchanov. Tchecoslováquia, Bulgária: Filmové studio Barrandov, Boyana Film, 1970/1990. 98 min., sonoro, preto e branco.

FRUTO do paraíso (Ovoce Stromů Rajských Jíme). Direção: Věra Chytilová. Tchecoslováquia, Bélgica: Elisabeth Films, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1970. 99 min., sonoro, colorido.

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NOVE capítulos da velha história (Devět kapitol ze starého dějepisu). Direção: Pavel Háša. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1970/1990.

O FIM da tarde do Fauno (Faunovo velmi pozdní odpoledne). Direção: Věra Chytilová. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1983. 99 min., sonoro, colorido.

O JOGO da maçã (Hra o jablko). Direção: Věra Chytilová. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1976. 100 min., sonoro, colorido.

POR ALGUNS dias apenas (Těch několik dnů). Direção: Yves Ciampi. Tchecoslováquia, França: Filmové studio Barrandov, Telcia Films S. A. Paris, 1969. 100 min., sonoro, preto e branco.

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VALERIE e sua semana de deslumbramentos (Valerie a týden divů). Direção: Jaromil Jíreš. Tchecoslováquia: Filmové studio Barrandov, 1970. 77 min., sonoro, colorido.

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