The Anthropocene in our apartments

For a sensitive Amazon by Emanuele Coccia




Amazon, Sensitivity, Anthropocene, Metamorphosis


Through an “erotics of the planetary”, Emanuele Coccia rejects the idea of an ecology of the planet in order to think through a sensitive Amazonia. Published in 2023 by  the publishing company Cultura e Barbárie, Amazônia sensível does not try to describe or explain the Amazon, but rather to look at it as a community of dreams. From the lecture that the author gave at the Labverde22 - Art Immersion Program in the Amazon, an artistic residency in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, on October 22, 2022, the text is organized as a long speech about the Anthropocene of our apartments and the species we have as pets. He sees nature as a contemporary art museum and each species as a form of bio-performance in the forest. What would the world be like if, instead of identifying with a father and/or mother, we could have identified with a plant? I began to think about all of this when I stole a plant from the Rio Botanical Garden and embarked on another genealogy.


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Author Biography

Ribamar José de Oliveira Junior, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Substitute Professor at the School of Communication (ECO) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Rio de Janeiro; RJ; Brazil.


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