The hold of the world

Re-enactment and survivance in Pedro Costa




Pedro Costa, Cape Verde, Re-enactment, Negrocene


Composing a different kind of trilogy that revisits and revises the one preceding it –the “letters from Fontaínhas”—, Juventude em Marcha (2006), Cavalo Dinheiro (2014) and Vitalina Varela (2019) by Pedro Costa expand their focus from the marginal neighborhood on the outskirts of Lisbon towards the experiences of the Cape Verdean diaspora in Portugal and towards their spatio-temporally fractured existence, marked by forced emigration, discrimination and abandonment. But instead of working on these denied lives only as narrative material, Costa also incorporates lived experience into the compositional form of his films. The non-consecutive nature of the shots, the use of chiaroscuro and of thresholds that make the invisible a constitutive part of the frame, and the rarefaction of speech (almost always in the form of monologues) are just some of the ways in which Costa’s cinema echoes the life experience of his characters in the filmic structure itself. In this article I propose that this compositional matrix also refers (although in a non-referential way) to the historical and geopolitical dimension of the Portuguese Atlantic as the origin of the colonial-modern Plantationocene and its contemporary correlate, the “becoming-Black of the world” (Mbembe, 2014).


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Author Biographies

Jens Andermann, New York University

PhD from the Free University of Berlin and professor at New York University. Writes about arts, cinema, literature, architecture and modern Latin American culture as it intersects with colonial and extractive legacies. New York. U.S.

Tradutora: Bruna Carolina Carvalho, Universidade do Porto

Doutoranda em Estudos Literários, Culturais e Interartíricos na Univeridade do Porto com bolsa de Doutoramento da FCT (Ref.: 2022.13315.BD). Porto, Portugal.


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CAVALO DINHEIRO. Direção: Pedro Costa. Lisboa: Sociedade Óptica Técnica, 2014. (103 min), son., color., digital.

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JORGE, Nuno Barradas. ReFocus. The Films of Pedro Costa: Producing and Consuming Contemporary Art Cinema. 1 ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

JUVENTUDE EM MARCHA. Direção: Pedro Costa. Lisboa: Ventura Film, Contracosta produções, Les Films de L’Étranger, 2006. (156 min), son., p&b; color., digital.

LEFEBVRE, Henri. La Production de l’Espace. 2 ed. Paris: Éditions Anthropos, 1981.

LOBBAN JR., Richard A. Cape Verde. Crioulo Colony to independent nation. 1 ed. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995.

MBEMBE, Achille. Crítica da Razão Negra. Tradução: Marta Lança. 1 ed. Lisboa: Antígona, 2014.

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NO QUARTO DA VANDA. Direção: Pedro Costa. Lisboa: Contracosta Produções, IPACA, Pandora Filmproduktion, 2001. (171 min), son., color, digital.

RANCIÈRE, Jacques. Os Intervalos do Cinema. Tradução: Luís Lima. 1 ed. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro, 2012.

RANCIÈRE, Jacques. Two eyes in the night: Pedro Costa’s Vitalina Varela. Sabzian, Brussels, 14 out. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 fev. 2024.

SANTOS, Maria Emília Madeira et. al. História Concisa de Cabo Verde. Resumo da História Geral de Cabo Verde. 1 ed. Lisboa/Praia: Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical e Instituto da Investigação e do Património Culturais, 2007.

VITALINA VARELA. Direção: Pedro Costa. Lisboa: Optec, 2019. (124 min), son., color, digital.

YUSOFF, Kathryn. A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None. 1 ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018.





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